Tweed Council places a 20 year moratorium on any dam proposal at Byrrill Creek effective from 15 May 2012.
The Save Byrrill Creek Campaign does not endorse the raising of the dam wall height of the Clarrie Hall dam as an alternative to building a new dam at Byrrill Creek. We are opposed to both dam options and any further erosion of the Tweeds bio diversity, further loss of habitat for threatened species, flooding of Aboriginal sites, fragmentation of wildlife corridors, destruction of endangered ecological communities and the inundation of lowland rainforest in Mebbin National Park which also includes the loss of the access to the National Park for tourists. We are also concerned for the spiritual integrity of the whole Mt Warning complex and the web of Songlines. Currently the Tweed is allocated 27,000ML of water under the current water sharing plan with the present population consuming between 12 and15,000ML of water annually. There is no threat to water supply and availability. What is of concern is the approval of the mega size greenfield developments on the Tweed coast which are not required to be fitted with a dual reticulation recycled water system, large rain water tanks or any stormwater harvesting system. The rain that falls on the roofs and roads of these developments does not percolate into the ground to replenish groundwater supplies but will flow in drains, uncollected and unfiltered into estuaries and rivers that are already polluted with too much runoff. With no water saving measures except for those outlined in the antiquated BASIX requirements [ low flush toilets and low flow shower heads ] and a target population for 2036 that is unsustainable we are being manipulated into believing that the conservation of our natural resources is an impediment to progress. If we allow our iconic koalas and platypus to decline not to mention all the other species on the edge of extinction, cripple our eco tourist potential and devalue our Tweed Caldera landscape for the sake of expanding the population beyond sustainable limits then what do we have left if we destroy everything that makes the Tweed unique?
It is also worth noting that the largest housing estate that the Tweed has ever seen costing $3 billion at Cobaki is going ahead without dual reticulation recycling or stormwater harvesting and recycling or large rainwater water tanks. Because no water saving initiaves are being employed, some Tweed Councillors are still pursuing a dam at Byrrill Creek.
TWEED COUNCIL MEETING 10th DECEMBER 2015 At last night's Council meeting we resolved on a negotiated position to address Tweed's future Water Supply. The following Mayoral Minute was passed on the casting vote of the Mayor Katie Milne. Councilors supporting the motion were K Milne, G Bagnell and B Longland. Mayoral Minute Water Supply Augmentation 1. Based on the information currently available, Council adopts the raising of the wall of the CHD as the preferred option for future water security and proceeds with the planning approval & land acquisitions phase for the project. The rescision motion to remove the 20 year Moratorium on a dam at Byrrill Creek was defeated by the withdrawal of support for this motion by Councilor Longland and with the Mayors casting vote. Councilor Byrne withdrew her proposal to approve preliminary plans to move forward on both Byrrill Creek Dam & the raising of Clarrie Hall Dam Agenda Item 32 Page 213 GOOD NEWS -THE MORATORIUM FOR BYRRILL CREEK REMAINS!
TWEED STEPS AWAY FROM ECONOMIC AND ECOLOGICAL IRRESPONSIBILITY Media release: 11 December 2015: Dr John Kaye NSW Greens The decision by Tweed Shire Council to abandon plans to lift the moratorium on building a dam on Byrrill Creek is a great victory for households, the community and the environment, according to Greens NSW MP John Kaye. Dr Kaye said: "A Byrrill Creek dam would have been the very worst option. "It would have been both economically and environmentally irresponsible to push ahead with it. "A lot of hard work clearly went into negotiating a very constructive outcome. "The Tweed population has been well served by those who showed the flexibility and depth of understanding to step away from the Byrrill Creek option and to push ahead with an independent review of the options. "Raising Clarrie Hall Dam would be a far less damaging project than the Byrrill Creek proposal. "However it should still be assessed against other less damaging water management options before any money is committed to it. "Tweed households should not have to pay for any dam they don't need. When there are lower cost alternatives, they should be fully developed before any money is spent on large-scale construction. "The review is likely to achieve a much more credible and lasting outcome with the reconvened Community Working Group playing a key role in developing the terms of reference and the selection criteria for the consultants. "It's a great testament to the Tweed community and their political and campaigning skills that they can turn around what looked like a certain loss into a big step forward for water planning in Northern NSW.
Council Meeting Thursday 10 December 2015 Agenda Item 31 Page 212 Byrrill Creek Dam Site Councillor C Byrne, B Longland and W Polglase hereby give notice that at the next Ordinary meeting of Council we will move that the resolution from the meeting held on 15th May 2012 at Minute No 314 Item No 49 title Cr D Holdom] Byrrill Creek Dam Site Moratorium being: "that Council places a moratorium on any dam proposal at Byrrill Creek for a period of the next twenty (20) years, effective from 15 May 2012. " be rescinded.
COUNCIL MEETING 19th NOVEMBER 2015 Tweed Council Staff Report recommending the Adoption of the Raising of Clarrie Hall Dam as the preferred Water Augmentation. Its item 24 on the Agenda Staff Report:
Result of Council Meeting The Council defers the decision until the February 2016 Meeting. A copy of a presentation to Council at Community Access on Nov 19th by Joanna Gardner is available here
Environmental Effects of the proposed Dam The area in the vicinity of the proposed dam is comprised of Myrtaceous Riparian Low Closed Forest to Woodland which is classified within a Rainforest category & occurs as a Riparian Community. It comprises a low closed riparian forest to woodland community found in a relatively narrow band fringing creeks or in gully sites within sclerophyll forests. Tweed Veg Management Strategy allocated it a High Conservation Status 2, which is considered rare, comprising less than 0.7% of all bushland, with most of the best examples within Byrrill Creek. In the Tweed Riparian Restoration Prioritisation Report, of the 6 subcatchments of the Tweed, 86 sites were surveyed & ranked. Byrrill Creek ranked the highest Conservation Value, with an average 70% and Diversity, 79%. Within the top 30 high priority sites,10 are in the BCk catchment. Most of these sites (except Cedar Creek sites) will be affected by the proposed dam site. Of particular concern is Site Rank 4 (BYBY2), which is within the proposed dam wall construction site & runs 300metres upstream of the dam site. Another site, (BYBY4), ranked as number 1 priority within the Tweed, is approx 800 mts downstream of the dam wall and would be severely affected by reduced water flows of the dam upstream. Further sites downstream would not be as severely affected as Cedar Creek would provide extra water flow. Be that as it may the whole riverine eco system of Byrrill Creek would be affected by the proposed dam. The dam wall site is at the northern end of a beautiful natural lagoon, where daily sightings of platypus occur. The entire length of Byrrill Creek is a prime habitat for platypus. Impacts would fall into different categories:
Aboriginal Heritage Sites within the Catchment Area There are several sites of Aboriginal Cultural significance on the Council land, which would be inundated. Sites include: a ceremonial site, camp site & burial stes. It is interesting to note that when “Boodjeragali', an Aboriginal Organisation, applied to Council to look for cultural artefacts on their land in 2002 they were denied access. The Bigger Picture The Byrrill Creek area is geologically part of the inner dyke complex of the Mt Warning Massif. As a World Heritage listed area, scenically beautiful, it comprises the southern side of Wollumbin, a spiritually significant site to the boriginal people and to residents who live in its shadow. Residents & tourists could no longer travel in a scenic circuit around Mt Warning as there would probably be no access. A dam would destroy the integrity of the “whole mountain complex'. Toxicity within the Catchment
There are 2 abandoned Dip sites within the proposed catchment area. The Byrrill Creek Dip at the eastern end of the Council land and the Maybeirne Dip at the western end. Toxic chemicals (many banned these days) may have leached into the surrounding soil and ultimately pollute the water quality if the dam is approved. Uncle Harry Boyd was concerned about the Dips at the Uki Water Options Meeting. Spraying of Groundsel & other weeds For many years from 1984 council commissioned their land to be sprayed with 24D and 245T, the active constituents of Agent Orange, which would have residual effects in the soil, and affect water quality.
Impact of a Dam on Byrrill Creek Impacts would fall into several categories:
Hydrological changes and inundation associated with a dam obviously have profound impacts on the ecology of a waterway both upstream and downstream of the wall. All aquatic and riparian organisms are adapted to the flow regime within which they are found, as flow predominantly defines the habitat type. This statement applies as much to a small aquatic invertebrate living on the underside of a rock as it does to platypus or the type of trees lining the banks of the stream. Some organisms have a broad range of tolerance, that means, they can live almost anywhere, but others are very specific. In high conservation value environments with high biodiversity, like Byrrill Creek, it is common to find a large number of organisms with very specific habitat requirements.